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Events are back

Writer's picture: Karen GittinsKaren Gittins

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Events are back!

From today (Wednesday 2nd of December 2020), the tier system will kick in again across England. The updates to the tiers now include information for the events industry. This means that events, with restrictions, can now resume. While the events industry has had a very tough time until this point, the updates to the tier system will, perhaps, bring a collective sigh of much needed relief.

What are the new rules for events?

Each tier has it own rules. The good news is that for tiers 1 and 2, outdoor and indoor events can resume. However, there are now limits on the number of attendees and strict social distancing rules must be observed.

Tier 1 – Medium Alert

Indoor and outdoor events are permitted. This includes performances and shows. But audience numbers are limited.

Indoor – 1000 or 50% capacity (whichever is lower)

Outdoor – 4000 or 50% capacity (whichever is lower)

However, it is worth noting that certain events, such as Weddings, have their own rules and fall outside of those for indoor and outdoor events.

Tier 2 – High Alert

Again, indoor and outdoor events are permitted in this tier. However, the numbers allowed are slightly different.

Indoor – 1000 or 50% capacity (whichever is lower)

Outdoor – 2000 or 50% capacity (whichever is lower)

As before, there are different rules for weddings and sporting events so do check the government guidance.

Indoors events will not be permitted under this tier. Large business events will not be allowed to take place. Large outdoor events are also prohibited unless they are drive through events.

All tiers

It is worth noting that certain venues, such as nightclubs, are to remain closed.

What has the industry response been?

The news has been broadly welcomed. However, the ban on selling alcohol at events has been a blow for some events such as live music events. This is because a large proportion of profit comes from alcohol rather than ticket sales.

What does this mean for recruitment?

The events industry has lost many talented staff. This has been as a result of redundancies. Hopefully, the events industry can now slowly start to rebuild. As long as the tier rules are observed, we shouldn’t face another national lockdown. The news of a vaccine has also given us hope that by Spring, the industry might be able to start hosting larger events once again. We have a way to go before we are out of the woods, but it is a start. We don’t expect recruitment to increase (or even resume in some instances) before the new year. But with only December left of 2020 it should be onwards and upwards from here.



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