During the past few months, life has changed for all of us. The one thing that has shone through when talking to people has been that having ‘time’ has allowed us to learn new skills and find new passions. For the Amdas team, this ‘time’ has allowed us to get to know each other on a more personal level, our likes and dislikes, and our passions. And we have found one very mutual and common bond – FOOD!
So, to build on this common interest, today we decided to have a MasterChef session. The idea came from our MD, Dan Malkoun, who loves to combine his interest in his paternal Lebanese heritage, with his passion for experimenting with food from around the world. Dan provided us all with a list of ingredients and after some social distancing supermarket shopping, we were ready to get cracking with our virtual ‘MasterChef’ session. The recipe Dan chose was a simple Lebanese Lamb Pilaf. After some frantic chopping, peeling, and crying (the onions were quite potent), the ingredients were finally in the pan and we were simmering away. Dan’s expert guidance through the recipe was a testimony to his leadership and communication skills! Finally, we all sat down together to enjoy our spoils and agreed that exploring Lebanese cuisine is something we all want to delve into further.

Our virtual cooking sessions are fun. But more importantly, they have brought us together as a team in a way that we would never have been able to replicate in an office environment. Having this team ‘downtime’ during our working day has been invaluable. Understanding the personalities you work with is an essential part of team building that will make us bigger, better, and stronger. And, more importantly, dinner was ready and on the table at 5 o’clock on the dot! Lockdown life has definitely got its upsides!
