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Remote Onboarding. What do Employers and New Employees Need to Know?

Writer's picture: Karen GittinsKaren Gittins

Updated: Jan 3, 2023

Starting a new job is both an exciting and daunting time for new employees. Learning a company’s processes, meeting new co-workers and finding where you fit in an organisation’s culture is a learning curve that takes time. But now we find ourselves in the uncharted waters of working remotely. For new hires, this means starting up in a very different environment. Finding your feet may mean companies have to completely rethink how they onboard new employees. New starters are going to have to embrace their new job with a whole different mindset.


All employers have a process to onboard their new employees, aiming to make it an enjoyable and informative experience. But how can we translate this to accommodate the newfound status of remote working? Changes in processes and attitudes are needed to maintain the results we need from our new hires.


What equipment does your new starter need and can you source it in a timely fashion? Don’t forget that most companies are experiencing delays in deliveries so leave yourself plenty of time. Have you checked that your new starter has the Wi-Fi requirements that will be essential to home working? If not, can you supply a dongle that will assist with this?


Google is blocking over 18 million coronavirus emails a day. The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre took down more than 2000 online coronavirus scams in March. Having the necessary security software and protection for working online is essential, especially when it comes to sensitive company data that your new starter may need access to.

Meet the Team

One of the best ways to integrate your new starter is a virtual team meeting with their new co-workers. Ensure that there is an agenda for this meeting that allows your new hire to understand who does what and who they need to be communicating with on a day to day basis. Include some fun stuff too as an ice breaker and ensure that there are regular meetings in place going forward.


Most companies have their own digital systems whether it be for CRM purposes, accounting, stock control or your own intranet. Make sure that there is training in place to integrate your new starter with these systems if they are required to use them on a regular basis. It is also possible to complete health and safety training online which every employer needs to do to ensure they are covering their duty of care requirements. It is worth revisiting this area of your health and safety requirements if remote working is a new situation for your business as your health and safety requirements may have changed.

New employees:

Starting a new job is a huge day for anyone. Doing this remotely can have its upsides but there are also pitfalls. Being remote means that you are eased into a new company, new co-workers and new processes in a slightly more relaxed manner. There is none of the teeth clenching, nail-biting anxiety of meeting a whole new sea of faces, learning how to find essential facilities and understanding office protocol all on the first day that can make us feel a little bit like a fish out of water. However, working remotely means that you are going to have to work a little harder to find your feet, form bonds with your co-workers and understand the culture of the company you have joined.

First impressions count

Just because you are in your home environment which is more relaxing, don’t let your standards drop. Meeting your new employer and co-workers while dressed in your pyjamas is not going to do anything to help ingratiate yourself with your new colleagues. Dress appropriately, make sure your surroundings that can be viewed in online meetings are suitable and if you have children or pets that may be inclined to interrupt you, try and find ways to occupy them.

If you are not sure, ask

It’s so easy when you are sat in your new office to ask a co-worker a quick question. Now you are on your own, the ease of question asking has been removed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one is expecting you to know everything on your first day on the job. It is always better to make sure you are getting things right rather than winging it and hoping for the best. If your company doesn’t assign you a ‘buddy’, ask who is the best person for you to turn to for assistance. Don’t be afraid to ask. It shows initiative on your part – an essential soft skill that employers like.

For both employees and employers, the best advice we can give you is to check, check and check again. Employers, have you got your remote onboarding processes right? Do you have a thorough checklist that you can refer to, ensuring a smooth process? Employees, make sure you have checked thoroughly that you have everything you need to do your job. Do you have an essential contact to help guide you through your new role?  But most importantly, enjoy your new job!

If you are looking for a new position or would like help with your hiring requirements, our team are on hand to help



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