They say that cookies are the food of the soul, so we thought we would have a team cookery session to raise our spirits and also see who had the most will power not to nibble as we baked! Following the traditional format of The Great British Bake Off Technical Challenge, none of us had time to practice our skills or saw the recipe beforehand. Just a list of ingredients that we had to gather – all at an acceptable social distance!
Needless to say, the boys were not playing ball and just joined in as spectators, but they had nothing yummy to reward themselves with at the end of the session! Kelly, Luba and Karen spent the afternoon baking up a storm together with a classic gooey chocolate cookie recipe. As you can imagine, there was plenty of mess, finger-licking and sampling along the way, but the girls baking skills paid off with a delicious plate of cookies that they had the rest of the afternoon to munch on. Karen’s neighbour’s little boy even joined in although it is fair to say, she was hard-pressed to part with her stash!
If you would like to join in on our Bake Off challenge, here is the recipe and a list of ingredients you will need. Have fun with this everyone and enjoy what promises to be a beautiful weekend!
