Quiz For DIY Hirers – how will you do?
What are the penalties for hiring someone without a valid visa?
A) Slap on the wrist
B) £1000 fine & enforced training on Home Office’s Right To Work programme for employers
C) Unlimited fine and 5 years in jail?
Rank the methods in effectiveness by volume which candidates find their jobs?
A) Head hunter, recruit agency, direct
B) Recruitment agency, direct, head hunter
C) Direct, head hunter, recruitment agency
What is the current average time to hire?
What is the average cost of a bad hire?
What is the average cost per hire for direct recruitment versus agency?
The answer is C
What are the penalties for hiring someone without a valid visa?
Penalties for employing illegal workers
You can be sent to jail for 5 years and pay an unlimited fine if you’re found guilty of employing someone who you knew or had ‘reasonable cause to believe’ did not have the right to work in the UK. This includes, for example, if you had any reason to believe that: they did not have leave (permission) to enter or remain in the UK their leave had expired they were not allowed to do certain types of work their papers were incorrect or false Check your employees properly You can also be penalised if you employ someone who does not have the right to work and you did not do the correct checks, or you did not do them properly. If this happens, you might get a ‘referral notice’ to let you know your case is being considered and that you might have to pay a civil penalty (fine) of up to £20,000 for each illegal worker. You’ll be sent a ‘civil penalty notice’ if you’re found liable and you’ll have 28 days to respond. The notice will tell you how to pay, what to do next, and how to object to the decision. Your business’s details may be published by Immigration Enforcement as a warning to other businesses not to employ illegal workers. https://www.gov.uk/penalties-for-employing-illegal-workers
The answer is B
2. Rank the methods in effectiveness by volume which candidates find their jobs?
In a recent LinkedIn poll, 52% of candidates found their role through a recruitment agency, 28% through direct advertising and 20% through a head hunter.If you are hiring direct, this means that you are potentially missing out on nearly ¾ of calibre candidates to select from!
The answer is A
What is the current average time to hire?
Time-to-hire rates have reached record levels, despite employers' best efforts to attract new talent. It now takes an average of 44 days to appoint people, up from 43 days a year ago, according to global research from the Josh Bersin Company and talent solutions business AMS.
The answer is C
What is the average cost of a bad hire?
A new study by the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) has found across the UK, poor recruitment strategies are costing businesses productivity and impeding a vital COVID-19 recovery boost to the economy.
The Recruitment and Recovery study said that seeking expertise from recruitment and staffing firms could increase UK productivity by £7.7 billion if they effectively put the right people into the right jobs.
Getting recruitment right therefore has the potential to be a huge driver of recovery yet only only half of Britons (52%) said that companies in the UK are recruiting efficiently.
The answer is C
What is the average cost per hire for direct recruitment versus agency and are agencies relatively expensive?
Recruiting the right talent is a critical process for any organization. When it comes to filling a vacancy, companies often face the dilemma of choosing between DIY recruitment or partnering with a recruitment agency. In this article, we will compare the costs associated with both approaches using an example of a vacancy with a salary of £30K per annum and a fee structure of 15%. We will explore the advantages an agency can offer, debunking the notion that agencies are expensive.